Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dancing in the Moonlight[less...]

Post Dated Wednesday, 20 Feb 2008

Hmm... what's this all about?

... notice the bright white speck in the centre of the picture? Ah... the good ol' moon.

Tonight we had a chance to catch a rare celestial event. It's the eclipse of the moon as it slides into the earth's shadow. For a couple of hours at least. Singapore'll probably miss it because its daytime, unless you have a really good telescope.

Wanna closer view? Here you go... but don't expect too much from a 12x optical zoon digital camera (LOL)!

You may have noticed the normally bright white disc being exchanged for an erie reddish hue. Why, that's because of the filtration of the Earth's sunsets and sunrises as it passes through our atmosphere and gets bent and scattered across the lunar surface.

The next lunar eclipse visible would be sometime in Dec, 2010.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, update! How have you guys been?