Thursday, August 14, 2008

Not your average Cambridge diet...

It's been a while since we visited the Boston Cambridge area. Unlike the bustle of the Boston city, Cambridge and Harvard have a conspicuously suburban feel with little skyscrapers to speak of. 

It's almost a different world when you cross the bridge linking Boston and Cambridge across the Charles River. But Doris and I really like the serenity and quietness over there. With such an environment, it's little wonder that the Cambridge side also hosts renowned educational institutions like Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)!

We spent some time exploring Harvard Square and even discovered some cool artwork near the Harvard University. Here's Doris posing with Charlie Chaplin.

And since we're in the area, it would be unforgivable for us not to pop into Harvard University right? So here we were at the Harvard Yard, where we mingled with a group of tourists marveling at the statue of John Harvard, the founder of the institution in 1638... but... wait a minute... Harvard was founded as early as 1636, and John Harvard wasn't a founder but a major contributor. And the statue really does not depict the real likeness of John Harvard as it's said that the sculptor did not know how he looked like, so it's merely a representation. Now we know why Harvard natives call the statue the statue of three lies.

After an afternoon of running about, we visited the Porter Square where we found a nice cosy cafe to sip some piping hot mocha while it was pouring outside. Here's Doris in the midst of being assimilated into the comfy couch... :p

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