Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Foliage II

Boston these days is sure cold, with the average temperature ranging between 4-8 degrees celsius... but somehow, something this morning just prompted me to stick my head out of my apartment window.  

Against the howling winds, that seemed an insane proposition. Still, I followed my heart, lifted the blinds and opened the windows. Lo and behold, a majestic blue sky and the rustling leaves hanging precariously off their branches welcomed me. What a beautiful morning sight!

Somehow, the trees that were all so uniformly green in the Summer are now but an eclectic collection of opinions, expressing themselves in a symphony of red, yellow and orange...

As the sun beat its rays on the trees around us, the reflection seemed to bask our apartment in a warm glow of gold! Against such an onslaught, how could I not be contemplative?

Yes. These may be freezing times for us, but apparently, God seems to be reserving the best sights for us yet! 

This is now a holding moment, but we are approaching a threshold of sorts.  And soon, the trees will usher in Winter's footsteps by shedding their vividly-colored leaves to the tune of nature's orchestra...

Keep in touch! We will be bringing you more...


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daniel&doris said...

Hi there Andy, thank you so much for taking time to visit our blog and leave your impressions with my wife and I! We truly appreciate it. I've been to your blog and I must say the topics you delve into certainly runs the gamut. Am still sieving out the info, but are you a teacher in Indiana?