Wednesday, February 25, 2009


We are off to Austin, Texas tomorrow for a Christian conference. Attending powerful conferences has always been on our list of priorities in the States. Since Boston is quite a desert in such area, we have to travel to other states to seek more spiritual food. Will share photos once we are back. Tata!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Part-time nannies

We paid Ming and Weston a visit the day before. Gosh, how Weston have grown and grown! Fatso - his mum calls him. He is about the weight of a 10kg bag of Thai Jasmine Rice. You will surely develop toned arms carrying him.

Check out his big tummy!

This is pretty Amena. 

With a hint of breakfast all over her face. 

Amena and mommy.

Daniel tried miserably at entertaining Weston. 

Mommies' talk

Cheeky smile from Weston.

With regards to this expression, Daniel couldn't help it cos Weston is such a drool machine. Well, Weston couldn't help it too. 

Weston and mommy

How sweet... 

Amena loves washing her hands.