Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Final Countdown

We will be home in less than 60 days. 

A year and a half of vacation is finally up. 

Like Enhan, we are now taking stock on the things we have. What should go the the trash bins, the Boston Craiglist and back to Singapore. 

Talking about Boston Craiglist, it is now our favourite website. It is better than ebay because the catchment is the Boston area so it is easier to buy and sell stuff. Our record is selling our mattress and table lamp within 24 hours. Fast and reliable. But of course, I believe we are blessed with good buyers. We are sincere sellers too. =) 

I wonder when Faith and Yeow will experience this? They have experienced the packing and moving to Australia. How would it be like for them to return home in a few years time? But whatever it is, they are enjoying life in Brissy. Of course, life can be stressful when you are studying, but nothing can beat experiencing the overseas adventure! Faith and Boon Yeow, enjoy while you can! 



Unknown said...

Wow! You're going back home already? That's REALLY fast! Reminds me of when we were just sending you guys off at T3!

Hey, Daniel got do the Gundam? Where's the pics??

daniel&doris said...

Got do... I will post the pics very soon. Thinking of also getting the Gundam 00 to pair the Arios! Thanks. I love it!!