Friday, March 27, 2009

VS Girl

I was in the salon for 6 hours. Yup, you heard me.

Here's the order of the day:
Cutting, shampooing, cutting, styling, bleaching, colouring, washing, colouring and finally styling.

I did it all in one day. For free.

My stylish invited me to be her model for her workshop. I thought it would be fun and exciting so I went ahead.

Outcome? Nothing too outrageous. Just changing my original cut slightly and a dash of colour.

A total of 4 colours. Violet-deep red for the base and 3 different hues of orange for my fringe.

The side was modified. I think I look like China doll, erm or mushroom?

I couldn't help but pose in Daniel's T-shirt.


a portion of me said...

You looked dammmmnnnn cool sia! (in youth language becos you look funky man!


daniel&doris said...

Haha...thanks for the compliment!

Tell you, when the colourist first bleached my hair, my fringe turned blonde lor! I got a big shock cos I look AWEFUL in yellow hair. I look better after she dyed it orange.