Monday, August 18, 2008

Visiting little Weston

Yesterday Doris and I went to visit a delightful couple we had befriended in the States. They had just become brand new parents of a chubby little boy named Weston, and we had been planning this visit for a few weeks now. And here are his proud parents!

Once we were introduced to Weston, we were immediately arrested by his cute demeanor; no more than six weeks old, all he wanted to do was to cling on to the caregiver and sleep. My wife was the first to carry him, and following a little scowl and a baby hint of frustration at being disturbed when mummy handed him over to Doris, normal service resumed as Weston gave a small soft yawn and dozed off... see Doris cuddling him below...:0

Here's Doris carrying Weston around. Is the baby big, or is Doris small? hahaha...

Ok... Ok... so I got a chance to take care of Weston too... I loved it when every once in a while, he'd open his eyes just to check that I'm around... talk about command and control... hahaha!


Anonymous said...

Does this Weston create an itch for both of you to plan for one?

Unknown said...

Haha... you guys are more kan cheong than us!