Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's A Snow-In!

Post Dated Saturday, 19 Jan 2008

Monday is gonna be -6 degrees here in Boston City so it'll be freezzzzing. Just to give you a clue as to how cold it can be, just imagine this...

There was a snow-in in Boston the past Monday. A snow-in is when the snow-storm is so bad that it causes disruption to some services... in this case many schools were closed.

Since then, the weather has cleared up, but guess what? The place is so cold that the snow still hasn't melted a week down the road, which is today!!! Think the people here must be pretty used to this, as evidenced by the thick blanket of snow enveloping their cars.

They are quite bo-chap about this and we've even seen many others driving with the snow on their cars... imagine if this were your Toyota, Honda, Benz or BM whatever... ouch!!

BTW, we have intentionally omitted taking cars from the full-frontal so don't be thinking of buying your 4-D... heh...

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