Thursday, July 31, 2008


I just recovered from a bad rash today. For the past 2 nights, I almost itched to death. Yeah, sounds like a funny way to die but it is NOT! Gosh! Can you imagine rashes spreading ALL over your body from your teeny weeny little toes up to your chin? 

I first realized my rash when I was examining my face in the mirror, not for the rash but other foreign invasion A.K.A pimples. To my horror, my not-so-fair skin turned into a spread of patchy-red. ARGH!!!! Before I could stop it, my skin started to itch badly.

It was too late to get to the pharmacy because it was not 24 hours for the one near us. Thank God I have a mum who is extremely particular about her children's skin condition. I whipped out the special cream my mum passed to me before I left for Boston (whipped out? Oh... I sound like my kids who like to whip out their handphones and punch 995 ...). Then the itch went off but the cream is not meant to stop the allergy so I woke up the next day with full blown rash. =(

I felt like a monkey, scratching myself all over, though I was well aware that I should not. Argh! Wasted no time and I got my hands on the anti-allergy pills to stop the rash. One thing that really caught me by surprise is that those flu medicine that tackles itchy throat and runny nose can actually undo the allergy. I never know that! But I believe there are different medical contents to such pills so children please do not try this at home! Ask a pharmacist or a doctor please. 

Now the rash has subsided and I am now up and about. The days with the rash was bad but I thank God for I was well within 3 days. It could have been worse. =)


jUnhUi said...

eh... who exactly is having the rash? I guess it's Doris, ya? Do take care.

Rev Chern said...

Aiyoyo you should call & ask your daddy . . me lah. I am expert in such situation since my childhood days! Yes, the flu medicine does hv the anti-itch effect.

daniel&doris said...

This is Dan... ya sorry, should've made clear... yes it is Dor with the rash. I have more thicker skin hahahaha so not too susceptible to allergens. Thank God it is clearing oredi... :)

Btw, Junhui, I just sent over a parcel to Singapore to church with some stuff for Chengyi as well as Yihao/Cheri. For administrative sake I attentioned it to you hor... the book is for Chengyi and the two cat pillows are for YH/CH... ok?

And I think I misspelled your last name as 'Siow' instead of 'Siau'.... haiz... paiseh...